Data Science Degrees
Job Search for High School Students
The Best Scholarship Search Engines
Writing a High School Resume
For students who are interested in social impact volunteering and careers.
Affordable Colleges Online
This site provides free guides and resources for those interested in pursuing a career in medical imaging, including information on career paths in radiologic science, hiring and salary projections for all 50 states, and interviews with leaders in the medical imaging community. They also feature a jobs board that is updated daily.
Minnesota Teacher Certification:
Minnesota's gateway to career, education, employment and business information
eCampus Tours
Seeing is believing. A revolutionary college planning web site featuring 360 x 360 tours of hundreds of college campuses. Just find a school, sit back and enjoy the trip. It's a virtually
awesome experience.
Occupational Outlook Handbook
The Occupational Outlook Handbook is a nationally recognized source of career information, designed to provide valuable assistance to individuals making decisions about their future work lives. Revised every two years, the Handbook describes what workers do on the job,working conditions, the training and education needed, earnings, and expected job prospects in a wide range of occupations.
Customized college search with nearly 4,00 detailed college profiles.
Register, practice, preview your scores, this site even has a place to submit applications to colleges online.
Learn how to prepare for college, Campus Trivia Game, Apply for interstate Reciprocity, learn about state and federal financial aid programs andmore.
Positively Minnesota
Department of Employment and Economic Development Contains links to Minnesota's Job Bank, Career and Resume Information, Labor Market Information and much more. This site
has been redesigned by the State of Minnesota.
Welcome to America's Career InfoNet!
Smart career decisions start here! Find wages and employment trends,occupational requirements, state by state labor market conditions,millions of employer contacts nationwide, and the most extensive career resource library online.
Thesesites are packed with information about planning your career. What kind of training or education is required? What can you earn? What kind of environment will you work in? What's hot? What's not?
Career Assessments Personality traits
Personality Types
Use your test results to find careers that will match your personality type.
Minnesota Careers
A product of Iseek.org. includes parent resources, job outlook etc.
Grad Schools Online
The comprehensive online source of Graduate School information
Schools in the USA
This site provides you with everything you need to know to find
the career and college that are best for you.
Peterson's College Guide
Online help finding and applying to a college of your choice.
Is completely redesigned and free. Information on the latest and greatest colleges, careers and majors.
Best colleges, annual rankings
Search by major, area of the country, or alpha
Council for Christian Colleges
The Council for Christian Colleges & Universities (CCCU) is an international higher education association of intentionally Christian colleges and universities
This site was created by the Education Development Center, to link students'interests and hobbies to future careers. The site includes a career quiz, information and resources on different types of jobs, career related games and a section for educators.
Career Information Website by the Federal Government
Career compass takes just a minute to pick your 1st, 2nd, and 3rd choice then offers six interest areas tailored to your choices. Also numerous other items to explore.
ACT and SAT test prep
Was created with one fundamental purpose: to provide quality resources that will help you achieve your personal goals. Our focus is on helping you bridge the gap between the career you want and the education that will get you there.
First in the family
Believe in your right to college, this site includes facts about college access, motivational quotes and books, tips, grade by grade planning checklists and so much more.
Study habits, how to take tests and more.
Occupational Outlook Quarterly
Published quarterly.
Business Plans and Profiles Index
Examples of plans and websites to help start up that new business.
An integrated suite of sites that help businesses, job seekers, students, and workforce professionals find career resources.
O*NET OnLine
Serves as a source of occupational information, providing comprehensive information on key attributes and characteristics of workers and occupations.
Vocational Information Center
Explore vocational/technical careers, the skills employers really want, find a trade school, and take a look at the current job market.
Career Explorer
Where teens can view career descriptions, choose a career, find a school, and get answers to career education questions.
FREE ONLINE test prep for the SAT's
Welcome to eFolio Minnesota, a multimedia electronic portfolio designed to help you create a living showcase of your education, career and personal achievements. All Minnesota residents,
including students enrolled in Minnesota schools, educators and others can use eFolio Minnesota to reach their career and education goals.
Career survey
Very short gives different careers that might interest you.
Academic Skills Videos
Reading Skills and more
Other Resources
Don't forget that the guidance office is a great place to visit. They have
lots of information about colleges from around the area and the country.